you just say it,you dont ever meant it

oh hey.this is the story of a girl. once upon a time she say she love me so much or whatsoeva. but only a few days. what a bunch of fucking shit. writing that she love me on my ciggaratte pack, football schedule or etc. its only some words for loser like me. she leave me without saying anything. i dont know what i've did wrong to you. i spent a lot of time with you, trying to make you happy. then you leave me, because i dont have a band right. huh, just say it. my friends, my cousin and some band dah mula cerita dekat aku bukan - bukan pasal kau. come on la. ini kau cakap kau sayang mama. yeah, yeah, yeah. you still at your path right. mabuk and have fun for all your time. so, where is your god? jantan tu tinggalkan kau, kau dah macam apa. habis kau pikir aku macamana time kau bla gitu je.

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